Rainbow Loom

Key Concepts

Together we will learn about these fundamental building blocks of rainbow looms

Learning Targets

Here are the studio habits we practice


Here are the materials you need

Chrome Book


Rainbow Loom Kit


Art Challenges

Before you begin your project, you must complete the following challenges:


Click on your level below to find the videos you need

Supplies You Need:

For this pattern you need bands in at least 2 colors

Supplies You Need:

For this pattern you need bands in at least 2 colors, a loom, and a hook

Supplies You Need:

For this pattern you need bands in at least 2 colors, a loom, and a hook

You may need this special loom for these advanced patterns:

Advanced Videos

Supplies You Need:

For this pattern you need bands in at least 2 colors, a long loom, a hook and a cheat sheet